Baby its cold outside!

The cold spell seems to have arrived, after a very mild, but wet, few weeks, the colder temperatures have certainly arrived here in Norfolk. We have seen frosts, ice and even a small splattering of snow. In the words of Tom Jones… Baby Its Cold Outside!


Historically people think of pressure washing works in the domestic environment are usually only utilised in the summer months, when people wish to have their patios, driveways and decking looking nice and clean for them to enjoy outside space in the warmer weather.


However we are now finding that customers are also wanting there outside space cleaned in the winter months. Primarily this is because of the weather condition. The surfaces become dirty and unattractive, but it is not just from a visual aspect, but the surfaces become very slippery making the outside space a hazard, especially for older people, children and pets. A slip on decking, or patios or steps can cause a shock or broken bones.


A visit from Odd Bods Pressure Cleaners means we are able to remove all excess growth and grime which becomes especially slippery in these conditions, not only does it leave your outside space looking nice and clean, it also makes the area far less dangerous.


If you have an elderly relative or friend, this could be a perfect gift for them, and will give you better peace of mind too.


Don’t let slippery surfaces trip you up – Call Odd Bods today for a free quotation.





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